danstaples7 23rd January 2017

Memories of beebar – By Devon Staples & Maisie Jane Browne He taught me how to draw the perfect boat and give a proper handshake. He liked cars, like me. He also supported Southampton, like me. He always called me ‘monkey’. He had two boats called Red Dawn Two and Gemini. He loved coming to see us in Malta and we took him out on a boat for his birthday. He went with me, Madeleine and Granny to a boat in Portsmouth. It was a Warship. When we stayed with him he always showed us funny things on YouTube to make us laugh. He liked his food and beer and once I asked what’s that tucked up your jumper? (It was his large tummy!) Maisie had only one word which she used frequently when it came to Beebar – “More, More...”